
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Stage: Ruby And The Ruby

Hi penguins!
Head down to the stage for a new play. It's about a detective trying to find a missing jewel stone. Get some friends and you can act this play out or simply come down and buy the costumes from the costume trunk. Here is what costumes you can buy.
Page 1
Grey Fedora $250, Detective's Coat $650 and Magnifying Glass $150
Page 3
The Movie Star $600, Pearl Necklace $550 and Dazzle Dress $600
Page 4 & 5
Blue Felt Hat $300, Blue Zoot Suit $700, Skinny Blue Tie $150, Black Zoot Shoes $450, Doorman's Cap $150 and Doorman's Jacket $400
And if you click on the door knob above the purple penguin. To get Dark Detective's Coat $650
And there is a hidden background in the Costume Trunk catalogue. If you go to the back page where it say's 'How do i Get Coins?' Drag that box down and the background shows up. Pretty Sneaky!

Thanks everyone and remember to enter our coin competition. See you later!

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