
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Party and Cool Glitch!

hay guys a new party is up and running soo im going to tell you some cheats for it when you arive at the forest go right,
then up,
then right,
then down,
then down,
than right,
then you arrive to a machine thats quite weird but you have to click buttons to get to the thing your aiming for so click thease buttins in order:
1. Click on the plug.
2. Click on the jar of coffee beans.
3. Click on the nozzle of the coffee machine.
4. Click on the coffee pot.
5. Click the green button on the barrel.
6. Click on the small buttons as they light up on the panel to the right of the barrel.
7. Pull the blue switch.
8. Play the piano by clicking the green keys.
9. The transmitter will catch on fire! Put it out with 3 snowballs.
10. Play the piano again.
11. Click on the green button on the platform holding the telephone.
12. Click all of the yellow squares.
13. Pull the 2 levers.
14. Turn the gray valve.
15. Pull the lever dangling above the telephone.
16. Click the bottle of hot sauce.
17. Click on the big container of water.
18. Once the temperature lowers, click the vents in front of the tiny fan.
19. Click on the toaster.
20. Throw snowballs at the target that pops up until barrel "elevator" rises up to the platform.

Now get to the Barrel Elevator. Now it will take you to a beach and you can buy a life jacket! The boat should look like the photo up the top of the post! Ok now put on your life jacket in order for it to work and you will sail to the other side of the beach! Now you just walk into the cave and there should be a note in there,

Click it and you can adopt your own brown puffle~C BOY 1123~ Now Try it out!

Now for the cool glitch,
This is the invisibility Glitch and this is how to do it!
First you need complete the machine puzzle and When you see the barrel click on it but just before you are going to go into the barrel, click Mail and wait a few seconds and the close mail. You will now be invisible!!
Try it and see if it works for you! It worked for me!! : D

Have fun....

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