Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Card Jitsu

Hi guys,
So everyone thinks that there are only going to be 3 card Jitsu things. Fire, water, and snow. But have you noticed that in the amulet there is a little gem in the middle. Could this be a new Jitsu?

Here are some sneak peeks

What do you think the new Jitsu could be?
Comment below.

This exclusive is thanks by @MyClubPenguin.


  1. Wow! I did even notice that. I think it will be stone! That would be so cool!! You guys are awsome.

  2. That new jitsu suit is cool! I wonder what it is...just like...?

  3. Maybe it's Dark-Jitsu or Shadow-Jitsu!


  4. skipperpop1 aka Medieval sunnygem2:10 AM, June 17, 2011

    shawdow ninja and night ninja maybe. Boy i wish i could get this!I wish i had membership!
